Jimmy Swaggart Music Downloads Who Am I
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Swaggart Notice of "Fair Use" Copyright Law Section 107: These treatises on Jimmy Swaggart Ministries (JSM) contain copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. During the 1970s, Swaggart established a ministry under the Assemblies of God. I have never actually listened to one of his sermons as I am personally more inclined towards Henry Mahan, Don Fortner,Jimmy Lee Swaggart (born Main Ferriday, Louisiana) is a Pentecostal preacher and pioneer of televangelism who reached the height of his popularity in the 1980s. Facebook message/inquiry received on 26th March 2020 Hello Cecil, Recently a couple of my friends have given a glowing report of messages by Jimmy Swaggart. JIMMY SWAGGART MINISTRIES My response to a Facebook inquiry.

Jimmy Swaggart Music S Who Am I Download JIMMY SWAGGART

SwarbrickWaptrick JIMMY SWAGGART Free Mp3 Download JIMMY SWAGGART Songs, Page 1. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. We believe that this constitutes a "fair use" of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S.

In the case of the Jimmy Swaggart Bible, all the commentary is written by Jimmy Swaggart, who is himself a high school dropout. Typically biblical commentaries are written and compiled by scholars and theologians, in some cases even a council of such. The Dangers of the Jimmy Swaggart BibleJimmy Swaggart Ministries has published their own bible (Jimmy Swaggart Bible), called the Expositor’s Study Bible. For information click HERE. Jimmy Lee Swaggart was born on the 15th March 1935, in Ferriday, Louisiana USA.NEW! The author’s latest book, Swaggartism is now released. Jimmy Swaggart, American televangelist and gospel music performer.

This is an accepted and expected practice today. Modern bible versions often use capitalization to signify deity, such as the word “He” will be in capitals if it refers to God or Jesus. The change is in capitalization. An Altered King James VersionThe work is purportedly based upon the King James Version, however the actual biblical text of the Expositor’s Study Bible has been altered by Jimmy Swaggart and is not a pure King James Version. Jimmy Swaggart has no such training and when you read his words that heaven is a planet somewhere to the north, your first thought is which way is north in outer space and you then realize that lacking education in simple science can lead to some very strange doctrines. I’m just saying that if you are going to proclaim yourself a scholar and sit in judgment of God’s word (as you will soon see that he does) and correct and repeatedly insist passages should have been translated differently than any other translation has them, then you had better be an expert in the original biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek so as to support your suppositions.

When you consider Swaggart’s constant claims to hear from God, that God told him this or that, and his oft repeated references to his new revelation from God that gave him “more light than the church has previously known,” one wonders if he actually considers himself on the same level, or even above, one of the original apostles. It gives one the impression that Swaggart considers his words to be on a par with those of our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether that was intended, only God can judge, but it certainly gives that impression and is an offense against common decency and respect of the Holy Scripture.To make matters worse, instead of the words of Jesus being in red, Jimmy Swaggarts words are in red. Many people feel this is an intentional arrogant elevation of Swaggart’s comments to make them on a par with scripture. For example “Cross” is always capitalized, giving the impression that “cross” should be deified.Commentary Added in the Midst of Holy ScriptureA disturbing characteristic is that Swaggart has not put his notes on the side or bottom of the page as all other commentaries do, but has placed his comments right in the text itself so that it is impossible to read the Bible without reading his intrusive commentary with every sentence. However Swaggart’s version does, but not just for deity, but for any word that Swaggart wants to elevate and this he does often, apparently at whim.

The following excerpts are from the Jimmy Swaggart Bible, Romans Chapter 7. Jimmy Swaggart claims a special divine revelation of God about the cross and that God has called and ordained Jimmy Swaggart Ministries to bring this new revelation to the world.It should be obvious to any Christian the heretical nature of this teaching and that, if embraced, would bring one to have a lower regard for the Scripture and instead pay more attention to Jimmy Swaggart the prophet with a new revelation.Let us now examine Swaggart’s words. In short, the apostles didn’t know what they were talking or writing about. Note how difficult it is to read God’s Word without being forced to read Swaggart’s commentary.One of the most dangerous teachings found in the Jimmy Swaggart Bible is that, according to Swaggart, the Apostle Paul was continually overcome by sin while he ministered the gospel and wrote scripture, and that Paul did not understand the substitutionary atonement of Christ on the cross, and in fact, none of the other apostles understood it either.

Look them over carefully and see that such is indeed what Swaggart claims. The Apostle Paul had just been saved when he wrote the book of Romans.Those five allegations are made by Jimmy Swaggart in the above passages. All of the other apostles had the same problem, they didn’t understand the cross either. Paul continually sinned because he did not understand the cross The Apostle Paul did not understand the cross and thus did not know what he was talking about when he wrote about the cross. After the Apostle Paul was saved he found himself unable to resist sin and live for God

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Furthermore, that God is omnipresent (everywhere at once) has always been maintained by the church. Jesus taught that “God is spirit” (John 4:24) and that “a spirit does not have flesh and bones.” (Luke 24:39). I believe His body is in one place at one time, wherever that may be.”This is clearly unbiblical.

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